22.11.2023 (ed. TS)
Some days have passed. And the story continues – training and teaching of students. Preparing and examining the experiments together, measuring, sampling. Several teams of 2-3 members each, supported by students, who tookover some of the activities, of course. Simple but effective learning scheme – present – explain – do it and repeat (under supervision).
The flux team continued their studies on the spatial distribution of soil and stem fluxes using mobile CH4 and N2O analysers at the Quistococha area; the soil isotope and soil microbiology team examined their manual measurements and took samples for latter laboratory analysis, strongly involving UNAP students for their intensive educational training; the leave microbiology team took carefully their samples from the canopy leaves with local climber support and prepared as much as possible out in the fields and later at the accommodation place (incubation); the second flux team focussed on their extended soil flux determinations around the spatial heterogenity spots; and the atmosperic team installed the new equipment for the vertical flux profiles along the tree/tower lines. Exciting to see the variation from very basic (spoon, spade, machete), to high-tech tools (analysers, networks, remote control systems), and of course mixed ones.

16.11.2023 (ed. TS)
After having the international seminar practically indoors, and partially outdoors for the technical workshop, the LiWeFoR team, students, and researchers moved to the study sites in Quistococha and Zungarococha the next morning.
The first day was mainly dedicated to prepare the experiments, install equipment and devices in Quistococha. Nevertheless, the first on-site training actions also took place. In addition, the Zungarococha site got sampled. So far, the base line.
Most remarkable was and is the extraordinary high student motivation !
The LiWeFoR team got blasted by continuous questions, not in wider audience, but face-to-face / in small groups. Honestly, there were too many, so I added just a few here: what is LiWeFoR doing, what is the purpose and objective of this and that measurement, how do you handle the sampling in detail, what are the most relevant steps and obstacles to keep in mind during the sampling process.
From practical to scientific: What does it mean for the greenhouse gases and fluxes, if the water table is so low, what do you determine with the oxygen sensors and what does it express and so on.
But all the young and experienced researchers took their time, and answered as much as possible. Of course, some basic questions also ended up in discussions fruitful for everyone in the meaning that discussions raised, opinions and experiences were exchanged, or simple facts about the broader range of all these exhausting field activities.
Even though the first field day was extremely hard, extraordinary hot (even for local people), almost running out of drinking water, the motivation and interest remained on that high level, and the students returned the early next morning (07:00 AM !) with a smile on their faces, excited what the next day will bring.
Still convinced, this is a highlight outcome !
13.11.2023 (ed. TS)
What an amazingly warm welcome at UNAP (Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana) !
8:00 in the morning, and both Peruvian partner institutions, UNAP as academic host, and IIAP (Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana) as research capacity put a lot of efforts to make this international peatland seminar happen.
The formal welcome was the first part of today. Nevertheless both, meeting new students, researchers and interested persons, and meeting ‘old friends’ from previous study and research trips was (and still is) an amazing side effect. Or is it even more important ? I mean, motivated people and respectful together are key elements to succeed – in education, in research, in understanding and helping the planet we are part of.

The interest was pretty high, Peruvian partners had to even limit the number of participants. Furthermore, the University UNAP also used the chance to record for further student’s course materials, media was around, asking for interviews (video format), local press released a long article afterwards with plenty of information. Some moments, it almost felt a bit like a Biber concert, so many cameras trying to catch the best moments.
Anyway, the seminar was not only about presentations on the big screen. The poster session attracted many students to stop by and ask and ask and ask. And of course, the LiWeFoR team tried to answer as much as possible in the limited time, but continued throughout the technical workshop inside and outside. So many great questions and high interest, I would say, this is one of the best indicators, this seminar day was successful.
12.11.2023 (ed. TS)
Welcome to Iquitos / Peru !
But, lets start some hours (or days?) earlier…
Seven team members, gathering in the mid of the night, loading the bus, and the journey begins. First stop at the airport, check-in to the last remaining flights, drop off some baggage, some more baggage, some extra baggage. As usual, and it makes any trip, any conference, any campaign also interesting, aside the meeting and training opportunities and the burning research questions of course – the mix of questioning: are we prepared, did we pack everything, didn’t we forget anything essential, will the flights arrive and depart on time and so on… One will find out at the final destination 😉
Is there anything to report about the flight ? Well, it is a long one, of course. But it is a flight at the end, sitting too much, chatting with neighbors, sleeping, reading, listening music and podcasts, watching videos, whatever helps to pass the time. Spending a night in Lima/Peru, already notifying the cultural differences, although still minor one, compared to the starting locations.
Finally, arriving to Iquitos. Warmly welcome at the airport. And literally warmly welcome – more than 30 degree, sunshine, and tropical moisture are awaiting us. But more importantly, also old and new friends and colleagues ! Handshake here, hugging there, believe it or not, scientists are also humans 😀
10.11.2023. (ed. TS)
The last day, actually the last hours before we start our seminar-training-research trip to Peru. For now, there are still the last items to get packed, conference posters to get printed, documents checked the final time.